Icarus I

Icarus I is an prototype drone similar to the ones you can pick up from pretty much anywhere that sell drones but with two key differences, it’s built by ShepTech and it’s artificial intelligence, Sofia.

Icarus I was designed and constructed for the sole purpose of being a host vessel for ShepTech’s primary A.I.

Icarus I Specifications

Primary Function: Test vehicle for Sofia

Hight: 15cm

Length: 45cm

Weight: TBC

Wingspan: TBC

Propulsion: 4 x 650KV Electric Motors

Thrust: TBC

Max Speed: TBC

Range: 1 - 2km

Celling: 1 - 2km

Endurance: 30min

Payload Capacity: 1kg

Icarus I Is a portable host for Sofia and is used to develop Sofia’s Neural Network into an ultimate object detection, recognition and engagement system.

Using her object recognition system and her navigation software Sofia can autonomously manoeuvre around her environment and complete her assignment’s all the while assessing the risk to civilians and assessing mission probability for the purpose of securing the safest mission possible.

Icarus I Is For Development Purposes Only.